MindNode Triad

User Guide

Helping you get all you need from MindNode. Learn everything from the elementary to the most advanced features, shortcuts & functions.


User Guide


We’re pretty sure that MindNode is not the only app you use to capture your ideas and bring them to life, which is why we’ve also made it easy for you to share your mind maps with your colleagues or export and upload them to other apps.

Here's a list of all the file formats MindNode can import from and/or export to:

Import + Export

  • FreeMind - supported by most mind-mapping apps.
  • OPML - supported by most outlining and many mind mapping apps.
  • CSV - supported by spreadsheet apps.
  • TXT - plain text, supported by all text editors.
  • RTF - Rich Text Format, supported by most text editors.
  • TaskPaper - plain text to-do lists.
  • Markdown - supported by Markdown editors.Markdown with images
  • TextBundle & TextPack
  • MindNode Single File format

Import only

  • Mindjet MindManager
  • XMind + XMind Zen
  • iThoughts

Export only

  • DOCX - for Word on Mac.
  • PNG images
  • PDF

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